
History, Principles and Professional Development

We are a team of passionate professionals united by a common goal: to transform your ideas into reality. Learn more about our principles, experience and dedication that make us your reliable partners in the field of construction and renovation.


Construction and Production Company "Tauris" is a general contracting organization and the owner of a production base, which for more than ten years of history on the domestic construction market has won an impeccable reputation among a large number of customers.
To date, two main areas of activity of the company "Tauris" have been formed
1.     Restoration and adaptation of objects of cultural heritage.
2.     Construction and reconstruction of premium class private houses and apartments.

The company's arsenal includes both its own production and warehouse premises (more than 1,000 m2), as well as the entire necessary stock of equipment, machines and mechanisms necessary for the implementation of any architectural and design solutions: a complete set of power tools, mechanisms, and machine tools for finishing works with a high culture of production, as well as machines and mechanisms necessary for capital construction (forklifts, crane-manipulator, equipment for ensuring the supply of materials to the object, formwork, etc.).

The pride of our company is our team, which includes specialists with ten years of experience in solving non-standard construction tasks both in budget construction and in the construction of private objects.
Specialists of our company regularly undergo training in new technologies and methods for finishing works, installation of engineering systems, the quality of materials is constantly monitored.

BVK "Tauris" has developed and actively uses an internal quality control system, which greatly simplifies work with managing companies and protects the interests of the customer. Internal quality standards are constantly being improved, taking into account innovative technologies affecting, among others, the spheres of environmental protection and occupational safety.
Клієнтоорієнтований і інтелектуальний підхід, прагнення на вищому рівні відповідати найвибагливішим очікуванням і прозорість бізнесу є основними конкурентними перевагами і предметами гордості компанії БВК “Тауріс”.

Все це в комплексі дозволяє нам успішно співпрацювати з нашими замовниками на основі взаєморозуміння і доброчесності, забезпечуючи хороші партнерські відносини не тільки в період виконання робіт, але і в майбутньому здійснюючи поточний моніторинг і регламентне обслуговування об’єктів.

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